Tuesday, April 21


I am really tired. For the last two nights I've not been able to go straight to sleep, and I usually easily go to sleep. My mind has been just not been able to calm down, with ideas, thoughts about future etc. A lot of it is excitement.
But when I am tired in the day it really affects me. I NEED A GOOD SLEEP. i just needed to say that, for myself more than anything..
Yesterday evening was good, and i didn't even do anything!! It's funny when you realise you start to realise you're appreciating things your parents do. I sat in my garden and read, it was actually well nice. I felt as though i should get a pipe, slippers and a whisky..
At the moment, I'm doing the a few graphics jobs for church, but I'm mainly tryna build my website, and learn how to do that. It's tricky, but I'm making progress..I'm looking forward to the finished piece. Here's a quote to leave you..

" Giving is true having." -  Charles Hadden Spurgeon

Saturday, April 11

Not a Long Post..

Just watched this Film for the first time. Heard good things about it, and it didn't disappoint. Loved how there was no real great story line, yet it was entertaining. How I hated a couple in the beginning, but grew to love them all. Thanks Channel 4..

Friday, April 10

GOoD Friday.

What a difference a table makes, 4 little legs! What a difference a table makes, and the difference is a roooomm! Yeah, so sorry for that cheesy revamp of a classic. What I'm tryna say is I moved my table from downstairs in to my room. Now at this point you're probably thinkin', great but why you bloggin this, and wastin' my time? Well.. It's made a difference massively. I am now using my mac more, creating more and looking out my window at a pleasant view down the street. My street has trees, D'ya not love trees...flippin' mint, especially with no leaves.
Anyway, the picture by the side of this is part of my wall in my room. I couldn't really have blank walls, so I've just collected flyers, leaflets etc wherever I could. Plus its good, cos it changes all the time..So right now I'm actually in newcastle on Good Friday. Probably have fish & chips today, dunno why? never understand that tradition, but ya know I ain't gonna complain. I think I like this more than facebook.. 

Saturday, April 4

My Second Month.

OK, so right now I'm at the Pier Centre, which is where my Church is held. Which feels a bit odd, got a few jobs to get done, so thought I'd come here as it's relaxing in the Media Office.
I've just finished a Banner for the JJB Stadium. Needs to be proofed, but all going well should be up sometime in the Near Future. As i said in my last point, I went watching Dirty Projectors & Polar Bear in Manchester. Two Bands who I'd never heard of, and I really enjoyed the fact I was able to go there without any pretenses and really enjoy the music. I loved the passion that was going into the Music, and the fact it was evident in their performances. 
As promised here is one piece of work I did recently. It will be seen on Pottery Road, near Wigan Pier very soon. Which for me will be great, as it's a great to see your work out there. As posted below thanks to the people who helped make this(Will Fisher Photography). Comment back, be honest, let me know what you think...

.. I've enjoyed my first month in posting on here.