I've just finished a Banner for the JJB Stadium. Needs to be proofed, but all going well should be up sometime in the Near Future. As i said in my last point, I went watching Dirty Projectors & Polar Bear in Manchester. Two Bands who I'd never heard of, and I really enjoyed the fact I was able to go there without any pretenses and really enjoy the music. I loved the passion that was going into the Music, and the fact it was evident in their performances.
As promised here is one piece of work I did recently. It will be seen on Pottery Road, near Wigan Pier very soon. Which for me will be great, as it's a great to see your work out there. As posted below thanks to the people who helped make this(Will Fisher Photography). Comment back, be honest, let me know what you think...
.. I've enjoyed my first month in posting on here.

'Matt Wood' were's my mention jackass.
Maybe you should think over that shoot again.
As I mentioned, I mentioned your name in my first post. Your name was mentioned first AND in capitals!! Love you MTTWD
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