Friday, April 10

GOoD Friday.

What a difference a table makes, 4 little legs! What a difference a table makes, and the difference is a roooomm! Yeah, so sorry for that cheesy revamp of a classic. What I'm tryna say is I moved my table from downstairs in to my room. Now at this point you're probably thinkin', great but why you bloggin this, and wastin' my time? Well.. It's made a difference massively. I am now using my mac more, creating more and looking out my window at a pleasant view down the street. My street has trees, D'ya not love trees...flippin' mint, especially with no leaves.
Anyway, the picture by the side of this is part of my wall in my room. I couldn't really have blank walls, so I've just collected flyers, leaflets etc wherever I could. Plus its good, cos it changes all the time..So right now I'm actually in newcastle on Good Friday. Probably have fish & chips today, dunno why? never understand that tradition, but ya know I ain't gonna complain. I think I like this more than facebook.. 

1 comment:

Rachel Kate Appletree said...

check out the diagonal lines!! haha